“I was a volunteer at the Pray Through It Conference 2019 and my role was to rotate the workshop locations and pray for the sessions what would take place there. One of my rotating stops was in the lobby of the church where the attendees were doing a Church Healing Rhythm Exercise. The moment I stepped into that room, I felt something I had never felt before. It was tangible freedom, substant peace and joy, I saw restoration happen before my eyes. I felt it in my whole body, I knew this was what the church should be like. Unity, life, family, love. I stepped into an atmosphere containing and producing all these things…and I believe I carried it home with me. I believe God is using this ministry powerfully to heal people at a whole new level and to call them closer to Him.” 





“I was deeply moved by my time at the conference and did have two very healing encounters with Jesus.  When I returned home, I asked my mom if she would be my “guinea pig” and led her into a pray it through session – just the two of us. At almost 80, she was taken back to a memory that led to breakthrough in her life.  As she always says, “God is so amazing!” 





The first night had me IMMENSELY intrigued as I heard about a prayer that was conversational, personal, and life changing . . . From this one interaction I learned that I never let God get a word in when I prayed. He revealed to me how much I think during prayer, how I constantly fill my head trying to decipher answers I never received, answers which I was not supposed to decipher even if I had them. God simply told me to stop. It took a long time (about a week), but I finally learned how to stop thinking and deciphering and was able to quiet myself enough to understand what God was telling me. Through prayer I was able to understand that I do in fact have faith but am not always open to what God has planned for me. I was informed that I play it far too safe in my daily walk of faith and subconsciously set limits for what I would do for God. This revelation took me deeper into my past. Long story short, God told me why I lived this way. I was believing the lie that God didn’t care about my feelings or about what happened to me (when I was in middle school my father ended his life unexpectedly) so I was afraid of what He might call me to do. God brought closure to our conversation by telling me that He in-fact DESIRES for me to live a life of abundance and that He deeply cares about me and how I feel! I am still trying to figure out what that life of abundance looks like, but am thankful to have the clarity He gave me.





“This has not only transformed my relationship with the Lord, but I have also seen it be much greater than me. It has affected my relationships with other people and has also freed me to be able to pour out my life in service to God and to other people…”







Sage Byrd, Maryland, Testimony from April 2019 Pray Through it Conference



“I’ve really benefited from learning the praying through it style. I feel it really encompasses the verse in James of praying with one another so that you may be healed. For years I have talked with my friends about various issues in their lives. I have given advice and I have prayed with them but I have never prayed through things with them. I have always wanted to help my friends become unstuck in the things that they were dealing with; however, it always seem no matter how much we talked about it and prayed about it certain things just never would budge. I am extremely grateful to have learned this because I’ve been able to help every single person I know, especially my very close friends and family. Thankfully my friends are very vulnerable with me so I know so much about their lives and as soon as I learned this method I asked if I could pray through the issues with them whenever we would be in conversation. This began to change their lives. Marriages changed, jobs changed, persona and personality expanded, huge weights and bricks were lifted, anxiety and deathly coping ways of life ended, confusions left and truths came in.”





Recently I’ve been struggling with loneliness, depression, and fear so Thursday at the prayer tower I came by faith that God was going to do something. As we started praying I received nothing at first. Then in the small groups God revealed to me a brick wall, separating me from this wooden cross. Praying through things the Lord revealed to me that these bricks represented sins that have I’ve idolized and built up, block me from having an intimate relationship with God. I was able to pray through three things and feel the weight start to be lifted, but was still present. 


Sunday morning rolls around and the same cross that was shown to me in my prayer time was the same cross on the stage. The message that was being taught was an object lesson through bricks representing sin as the burden we carry and becomes heavier with time and without repentance. One of the main points was, “When your enemy is loneliness, God is there.” That isolation breeds depression and fear fuels this cycle. I’m still in the process of praying through things, continually laying down and surrendering things that block me from Him, but God is good through every season. Don’t discount healing, just because it doesn’t happen when you think it should occur. God is teaching me so much through this time of waiting, and it is so much sweeter than being instantly gratified.


Thank you for you and your ministry and changing my prayer life,





Thank you so much for today and that time of prayer. I have never prayed through something in the way you did in class. Today was an experience like no other; after the prayer I felt a sense of just peace, a peace like nothing else. The weight I carried on my shoulders was gone and all I saw was this white light, bright and beautiful. I know what I was seeing was Jesus amazing love and I feel like I fell in love with him all over again. Thank you so much for today’s class. 


I have never prayed through something in the way you did in class. Today was an experience like no other; after the prayer I felt a sense of just peace, a peace like nothing else. The weight I carried on my shoulders was gone and all I saw was this white light, bright and beautiful. I know what I was seeing was Jesus amazing love and I feel like I fell in love with him all over again. Thank you so much for today’s class.





I had no idea what I was experiencing. I have been in more prayer meetings and conferences than I can count and have received something different from them all, but I had never been prayed for or through something quite like that before. It’s a very unique way to really get below the surface and work with the Holy Spirit in a way that isn’t overwhelming. 


I approached the prayer meeting with an attitude of expectation. I knew I was having a hard time, but “I was fine.” The whole time during prayer and the readings of the parables, only one thing was sort of applicable to me, but I couldn’t stop crying and didn’t know why. I was saying to myself “God, I know you have me here for a reason and I know you are wanting to do a working in me, but I can’t seem to grasp what you’re trying to show or tell me.” Until John came forward and started talking about his mom and her battle with cancer. I was weeping for him because I couldn’t imagine how he must feel, but that triggered me to think about what if that were my mom. That brought up feelings of a little bit of anger, because it would mean that there would only be little time to tell her that I loved her, but almost no time to heal from all the things that her marrying my step father induced. I stilled my mind at the prayer time, and God showed me that I needed to stop trying to take on the weights of other people, and release my anger and bitterness towards my mother, because that is a barrier in me moving forward in my relationship with him. I have had many opportunities to talk to other kids about parental issues and have always said “we can’t expect our parents to be perfect people. They make mistakes, but we are to love and forgive them the same way they and God love and forgive us.” It was time to start practicing what I preached, and the night of the prayer meeting was most definitely a transformative night for me. Now, six months later, that night still continues to be a turning point for me as far as my personal outlook goes!!





Being in your class and hearing the way to talk about prayer has really challenged me in my prayer life and how I think about it and approach it. I’ve always had a sensitive heart, but I’ve always struggled with a personal relationship with Christ and praying in a worshipful and glorifying way. Every time you talk about prayer, I feel different. My mind shifts in a way I can’t explain, but I feel it and sometimes I get emotional. I’m feeling emotional as I write this. I feel like God is communicating with me… 





I cannot describe to you how incredibly God changed my life. The things we prayed through, what I felt the biggest thing was, I had been struggling with for years and years and years. There had been people in my life that had said, “Someday you will be free of this”. I so wanted to believe that, but I didn’t. I honestly never thought I would be free. You see, I had tried so hard to let those things go and give them over to Jesus, but I never could. I never could.


It’s amazing how God works because there had been many things leading up to when we prayed that brought me to a point where I could let go, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I look back and realize that some of the things I worked through the past few years helped prepare me to let go. 


 I went to Passion during break (it was incredible) and I was able to let go of more. My heart just feels so FREE. When temptation comes, I’m learning not to hold onto it. I think the enemy so often tries to get me right at the temptation, causing me to think I was already in sin by being tempted. 


 I’m learning that I’m no longer bound and I’m learning to walk in that freedom. I’m striving to no longer turn back to my old ways, no longer take on the chains that God has freed me from. 


 Tonight I shared with my friend about what God has done in my life and what He did through praying with you. She’s taking your class this semester. It’s just incredible to experience and see what God can do. The love and faithfulness He has and the freedom that we have in Him is incredible. 


 So thank you for being willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus and be a part of what He is doing in your students’ lives. My family and I have all thanked God for you. I don’t think you ever will realize all that God did through that. 


I hope you have a great semester!                                                                                                                                                                                               EMILY, LYNCHBURG VA



When you were praying for me, I kept hearing God verbally tell me, “You are beautiful, and you can rest in me, I love you, I love you, and you are safe because you are my child.”

I didn’t want to stop hearing it. That was more encouraging than you know. I have been seeing more and more that I struggle with guilt because of the more legalistic way that I grew up. And the more I make mistakes and grow up and I am trying to remind myself of truth. That I am forgiven. And that God does love me, but like we have talked about, knowing something and believing it are very different. And I had been praying that the Holy Spirit would just reveal himself to me and I would be encouraged. And He did. And God used you to help me. So thank you.  





Thank you again for meeting with me and keeping me in your prayers. Today taught me a lot about myself and really taught me a lot about God. I have never experienced God in such a way that I did today and it was truly amazing! 





I have never felt more free. On Wednesday I was able to let go of a long commitment and slavery to sin that I had carried with me from when I was a child. Every time I would pray that God would give me strength to fight it or that he would take it from me, I only continued to fail. I know I still will, but even in the last few days I have seen a difference in me and I know it is the work of the Holy Spirit. I have been waiting for as long as I can remember to get rid of this burden, and I can confidently say that I have given it to God and no longer have to live under it.






1 + 11 =



Pastor Alan Kraft (Christ Community Church, Greeley CO).



Personal Testimonials



“My life seemed normal until I was a victim of child sexual abuse at the age of four. As we took time for individual personal prayer, we were instructed to ask God to bring to mind anything that had wrongly shaped our views of him or our relationship with him. As I prayed, God brought those events of my childhood to mind, events that I had thought about for years, having nearly forgotten them…I first found healing for the guilt I carried for my complicity in what occurred. Second, I received the deepest sense of an assurance of God’s love and acceptance of me as his child. In my time of prayer, God brought to my mind the thought of him opening his arms to me and embracing me as his child. Though normally physical affection of any kind, especially from a man, would make me cringe inwardly and feel a sense of physical pain, that picture of God’s love brought the deepest sense of peace and assurance I have ever known. God brought to my mind the realization that I had come to believe that unless I was hurt in some way, people would not like or accept me. This mindset manifested itself in a variety of ways: perfectionism in grades, overworking myself in ministry to the point of burnout, a mindset of trying to do everything for everyone, and a failure to ever feel loved or accepted by anyone. Later research into the effects of childhood abuse confirmed that the things I realized through prayer were common. Through less than an hour of prayer, I had received perhaps months’ worth of counseling from God. From that day on, I began to heal from those wrong views. Being able to recognize those wrong patterns of thinking enabled me to take those thoughts captive and change my thinking. Though only a short time has passed, I have begun to see a change take place both in my thinking and even in responses to physical affection such as a pat on the shoulder.”





“I was a volunteer at the Pray Through It Conference 2019 and my role was to rotate the workshop locations and pray for the sessions what would take place there. One of my rotating stops was in the lobby of the church where the attendees were doing a Church Healing Rhythm Exercise. The moment I stepped into that room, I felt something I had never felt before. It was tangible freedom, substant peace and joy, I saw restoration happen before my eyes. I felt it in my whole body, I knew this was what the church should be like. Unity, life, family, love. I stepped into an atmosphere containing and producing all these things…and I believe I carried it home with me. I believe God is using this ministry powerfully to heal people at a whole new level and to call them closer to Him.” 





“I was deeply moved by my time at the conference and did have two very healing encounters with Jesus.  When I returned home, I asked my mom if she would be my “guinea pig” and led her into a pray it through session – just the two of us. At almost 80, she was taken back to a memory that led to breakthrough in her life.  As she always says, “God is so amazing!” 





The first night had me IMMENSELY intrigued as I heard about a prayer that was conversational, personal, and life changing . . . From this one interaction I learned that I never let God get a word in when I prayed. He revealed to me how much I think during prayer, how I constantly fill my head trying to decipher answers I never received, answers which I was not supposed to decipher even if I had them. God simply told me to stop. It took a long time (about a week), but I finally learned how to stop thinking and deciphering and was able to quiet myself enough to understand what God was telling me. Through prayer I was able to understand that I do in fact have faith but am not always open to what God has planned for me. I was informed that I play it far too safe in my daily walk of faith and subconsciously set limits for what I would do for God. This revelation took me deeper into my past. Long story short, God told me why I lived this way. I was believing the lie that God didn’t care about my feelings or about what happened to me (when I was in middle school my father ended his life unexpectedly) so I was afraid of what He might call me to do. God brought closure to our conversation by telling me that He in-fact DESIRES for me to live a life of abundance and that He deeply cares about me and how I feel! I am still trying to figure out what that life of abundance looks like, but am thankful to have the clarity He gave me.





“This has not only transformed my relationship with the Lord, but I have also seen it be much greater than me. It has affected my relationships with other people and has also freed me to be able to pour out my life in service to God and to other people…”







Sage Byrd, Maryland, Testimony from April 2019 Pray Through it Conference



“I’ve really benefited from learning the praying through it style. I feel it really encompasses the verse in James of praying with one another so that you may be healed. For years I have talked with my friends about various issues in their lives. I have given advice and I have prayed with them but I have never prayed through things with them. I have always wanted to help my friends become unstuck in the things that they were dealing with; however, it always seem no matter how much we talked about it and prayed about it certain things just never would budge. I am extremely grateful to have learned this because I’ve been able to help every single person I know, especially my very close friends and family. Thankfully my friends are very vulnerable with me so I know so much about their lives and as soon as I learned this method I asked if I could pray through the issues with them whenever we would be in conversation. This began to change their lives. Marriages changed, jobs changed, persona and personality expanded, huge weights and bricks were lifted, anxiety and deathly coping ways of life ended, confusions left and truths came in.”





Recently I’ve been struggling with loneliness, depression, and fear so Thursday at the prayer tower I came by faith that God was going to do something. As we started praying I received nothing at first. Then in the small groups God revealed to me a brick wall, separating me from this wooden cross. Praying through things the Lord revealed to me that these bricks represented sins that have I’ve idolized and built up, block me from having an intimate relationship with God. I was able to pray through three things and feel the weight start to be lifted, but was still present. 


Sunday morning rolls around and the same cross that was shown to me in my prayer time was the same cross on the stage. The message that was being taught was an object lesson through bricks representing sin as the burden we carry and becomes heavier with time and without repentance. One of the main points was, “When your enemy is loneliness, God is there.” That isolation breeds depression and fear fuels this cycle. I’m still in the process of praying through things, continually laying down and surrendering things that block me from Him, but God is good through every season. Don’t discount healing, just because it doesn’t happen when you think it should occur. God is teaching me so much through this time of waiting, and it is so much sweeter than being instantly gratified.


Thank you for you and your ministry and changing my prayer life,





Thank you so much for today and that time of prayer. I have never prayed through something in the way you did in class. Today was an experience like no other; after the prayer I felt a sense of just peace, a peace like nothing else. The weight I carried on my shoulders was gone and all I saw was this white light, bright and beautiful. I know what I was seeing was Jesus amazing love and I feel like I fell in love with him all over again. Thank you so much for today’s class. 


I have never prayed through something in the way you did in class. Today was an experience like no other; after the prayer I felt a sense of just peace, a peace like nothing else. The weight I carried on my shoulders was gone and all I saw was this white light, bright and beautiful. I know what I was seeing was Jesus amazing love and I feel like I fell in love with him all over again. Thank you so much for today’s class.





I had no idea what I was experiencing. I have been in more prayer meetings and conferences than I can count and have received something different from them all, but I had never been prayed for or through something quite like that before. It’s a very unique way to really get below the surface and work with the Holy Spirit in a way that isn’t overwhelming. 


I approached the prayer meeting with an attitude of expectation. I knew I was having a hard time, but “I was fine.” The whole time during prayer and the readings of the parables, only one thing was sort of applicable to me, but I couldn’t stop crying and didn’t know why. I was saying to myself “God, I know you have me here for a reason and I know you are wanting to do a working in me, but I can’t seem to grasp what you’re trying to show or tell me.” Until John came forward and started talking about his mom and her battle with cancer. I was weeping for him because I couldn’t imagine how he must feel, but that triggered me to think about what if that were my mom. That brought up feelings of a little bit of anger, because it would mean that there would only be little time to tell her that I loved her, but almost no time to heal from all the things that her marrying my step father induced. I stilled my mind at the prayer time, and God showed me that I needed to stop trying to take on the weights of other people, and release my anger and bitterness towards my mother, because that is a barrier in me moving forward in my relationship with him. I have had many opportunities to talk to other kids about parental issues and have always said “we can’t expect our parents to be perfect people. They make mistakes, but we are to love and forgive them the same way they and God love and forgive us.” It was time to start practicing what I preached, and the night of the prayer meeting was most definitely a transformative night for me. Now, six months later, that night still continues to be a turning point for me as far as my personal outlook goes!!





Being in your class and hearing the way to talk about prayer has really challenged me in my prayer life and how I think about it and approach it. I’ve always had a sensitive heart, but I’ve always struggled with a personal relationship with Christ and praying in a worshipful and glorifying way. Every time you talk about prayer, I feel different. My mind shifts in a way I can’t explain, but I feel it and sometimes I get emotional. I’m feeling emotional as I write this. I feel like God is communicating with me… 





I cannot describe to you how incredibly God changed my life. The things we prayed through, what I felt the biggest thing was, I had been struggling with for years and years and years. There had been people in my life that had said, “Someday you will be free of this”. I so wanted to believe that, but I didn’t. I honestly never thought I would be free. You see, I had tried so hard to let those things go and give them over to Jesus, but I never could. I never could.


It’s amazing how God works because there had been many things leading up to when we prayed that brought me to a point where I could let go, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I look back and realize that some of the things I worked through the past few years helped prepare me to let go. 


 I went to Passion during break (it was incredible) and I was able to let go of more. My heart just feels so FREE. When temptation comes, I’m learning not to hold onto it. I think the enemy so often tries to get me right at the temptation, causing me to think I was already in sin by being tempted. 


 I’m learning that I’m no longer bound and I’m learning to walk in that freedom. I’m striving to no longer turn back to my old ways, no longer take on the chains that God has freed me from. 


 Tonight I shared with my friend about what God has done in my life and what He did through praying with you. She’s taking your class this semester. It’s just incredible to experience and see what God can do. The love and faithfulness He has and the freedom that we have in Him is incredible. 


 So thank you for being willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus and be a part of what He is doing in your students’ lives. My family and I have all thanked God for you. I don’t think you ever will realize all that God did through that. 


I hope you have a great semester!                                                                                                                                                                                               EMILY, LYNCHBURG VA



When you were praying for me, I kept hearing God verbally tell me, “You are beautiful, and you can rest in me, I love you, I love you, and you are safe because you are my child.”

I didn’t want to stop hearing it. That was more encouraging than you know. I have been seeing more and more that I struggle with guilt because of the more legalistic way that I grew up. And the more I make mistakes and grow up and I am trying to remind myself of truth. That I am forgiven. And that God does love me, but like we have talked about, knowing something and believing it are very different. And I had been praying that the Holy Spirit would just reveal himself to me and I would be encouraged. And He did. And God used you to help me. So thank you.  





Thank you again for meeting with me and keeping me in your prayers. Today taught me a lot about myself and really taught me a lot about God. I have never experienced God in such a way that I did today and it was truly amazing! 





I have never felt more free. On Wednesday I was able to let go of a long commitment and slavery to sin that I had carried with me from when I was a child. Every time I would pray that God would give me strength to fight it or that he would take it from me, I only continued to fail. I know I still will, but even in the last few days I have seen a difference in me and I know it is the work of the Holy Spirit. I have been waiting for as long as I can remember to get rid of this burden, and I can confidently say that I have given it to God and no longer have to live under it.






7 + 3 =






Audio Testimonies of Dale Pierce (Lead Pastor United Church, Crook CO) and Jeff Foote (Grace Church, Longmont CO)




I have been working through your material and have enjoyed picking out some tools to use in my prayers with people. It’s interesting how similar most inner healing approaches are but with different emphases and nuances. I find that Sozo uses a  bit different order than you, and places a bit more up front emphasis on forgiveness when dealing with a memory. I do find that your material has made me realize that I can dive in to prayer with people even if we only have 30 minutes, so that’s been really cool. I’m praising God for how powerfully he is using you in this area!



Pastor Alan Kraft (Christ Community Church, Greeley CO).



Personal Testimonials



“My life seemed normal until I was a victim of child sexual abuse at the age of four. As we took time for individual personal prayer, we were instructed to ask God to bring to mind anything that had wrongly shaped our views of him or our relationship with him. As I prayed, God brought those events of my childhood to mind, events that I had thought about for years, having nearly forgotten them…I first found healing for the guilt I carried for my complicity in what occurred. Second, I received the deepest sense of an assurance of God’s love and acceptance of me as his child. In my time of prayer, God brought to my mind the thought of him opening his arms to me and embracing me as his child. Though normally physical affection of any kind, especially from a man, would make me cringe inwardly and feel a sense of physical pain, that picture of God’s love brought the deepest sense of peace and assurance I have ever known. God brought to my mind the realization that I had come to believe that unless I was hurt in some way, people would not like or accept me. This mindset manifested itself in a variety of ways: perfectionism in grades, overworking myself in ministry to the point of burnout, a mindset of trying to do everything for everyone, and a failure to ever feel loved or accepted by anyone. Later research into the effects of childhood abuse confirmed that the things I realized through prayer were common. Through less than an hour of prayer, I had received perhaps months’ worth of counseling from God. From that day on, I began to heal from those wrong views. Being able to recognize those wrong patterns of thinking enabled me to take those thoughts captive and change my thinking. Though only a short time has passed, I have begun to see a change take place both in my thinking and even in responses to physical affection such as a pat on the shoulder.”





“I was a volunteer at the Pray Through It Conference 2019 and my role was to rotate the workshop locations and pray for the sessions what would take place there. One of my rotating stops was in the lobby of the church where the attendees were doing a Church Healing Rhythm Exercise. The moment I stepped into that room, I felt something I had never felt before. It was tangible freedom, substant peace and joy, I saw restoration happen before my eyes. I felt it in my whole body, I knew this was what the church should be like. Unity, life, family, love. I stepped into an atmosphere containing and producing all these things…and I believe I carried it home with me. I believe God is using this ministry powerfully to heal people at a whole new level and to call them closer to Him.” 





“I was deeply moved by my time at the conference and did have two very healing encounters with Jesus.  When I returned home, I asked my mom if she would be my “guinea pig” and led her into a pray it through session – just the two of us. At almost 80, she was taken back to a memory that led to breakthrough in her life.  As she always says, “God is so amazing!” 





The first night had me IMMENSELY intrigued as I heard about a prayer that was conversational, personal, and life changing . . . From this one interaction I learned that I never let God get a word in when I prayed. He revealed to me how much I think during prayer, how I constantly fill my head trying to decipher answers I never received, answers which I was not supposed to decipher even if I had them. God simply told me to stop. It took a long time (about a week), but I finally learned how to stop thinking and deciphering and was able to quiet myself enough to understand what God was telling me. Through prayer I was able to understand that I do in fact have faith but am not always open to what God has planned for me. I was informed that I play it far too safe in my daily walk of faith and subconsciously set limits for what I would do for God. This revelation took me deeper into my past. Long story short, God told me why I lived this way. I was believing the lie that God didn’t care about my feelings or about what happened to me (when I was in middle school my father ended his life unexpectedly) so I was afraid of what He might call me to do. God brought closure to our conversation by telling me that He in-fact DESIRES for me to live a life of abundance and that He deeply cares about me and how I feel! I am still trying to figure out what that life of abundance looks like, but am thankful to have the clarity He gave me.





“This has not only transformed my relationship with the Lord, but I have also seen it be much greater than me. It has affected my relationships with other people and has also freed me to be able to pour out my life in service to God and to other people…”







Sage Byrd, Maryland, Testimony from April 2019 Pray Through it Conference



“I’ve really benefited from learning the praying through it style. I feel it really encompasses the verse in James of praying with one another so that you may be healed. For years I have talked with my friends about various issues in their lives. I have given advice and I have prayed with them but I have never prayed through things with them. I have always wanted to help my friends become unstuck in the things that they were dealing with; however, it always seem no matter how much we talked about it and prayed about it certain things just never would budge. I am extremely grateful to have learned this because I’ve been able to help every single person I know, especially my very close friends and family. Thankfully my friends are very vulnerable with me so I know so much about their lives and as soon as I learned this method I asked if I could pray through the issues with them whenever we would be in conversation. This began to change their lives. Marriages changed, jobs changed, persona and personality expanded, huge weights and bricks were lifted, anxiety and deathly coping ways of life ended, confusions left and truths came in.”





Recently I’ve been struggling with loneliness, depression, and fear so Thursday at the prayer tower I came by faith that God was going to do something. As we started praying I received nothing at first. Then in the small groups God revealed to me a brick wall, separating me from this wooden cross. Praying through things the Lord revealed to me that these bricks represented sins that have I’ve idolized and built up, block me from having an intimate relationship with God. I was able to pray through three things and feel the weight start to be lifted, but was still present. 


Sunday morning rolls around and the same cross that was shown to me in my prayer time was the same cross on the stage. The message that was being taught was an object lesson through bricks representing sin as the burden we carry and becomes heavier with time and without repentance. One of the main points was, “When your enemy is loneliness, God is there.” That isolation breeds depression and fear fuels this cycle. I’m still in the process of praying through things, continually laying down and surrendering things that block me from Him, but God is good through every season. Don’t discount healing, just because it doesn’t happen when you think it should occur. God is teaching me so much through this time of waiting, and it is so much sweeter than being instantly gratified.


Thank you for you and your ministry and changing my prayer life,





Thank you so much for today and that time of prayer. I have never prayed through something in the way you did in class. Today was an experience like no other; after the prayer I felt a sense of just peace, a peace like nothing else. The weight I carried on my shoulders was gone and all I saw was this white light, bright and beautiful. I know what I was seeing was Jesus amazing love and I feel like I fell in love with him all over again. Thank you so much for today’s class. 


I have never prayed through something in the way you did in class. Today was an experience like no other; after the prayer I felt a sense of just peace, a peace like nothing else. The weight I carried on my shoulders was gone and all I saw was this white light, bright and beautiful. I know what I was seeing was Jesus amazing love and I feel like I fell in love with him all over again. Thank you so much for today’s class.





I had no idea what I was experiencing. I have been in more prayer meetings and conferences than I can count and have received something different from them all, but I had never been prayed for or through something quite like that before. It’s a very unique way to really get below the surface and work with the Holy Spirit in a way that isn’t overwhelming. 


I approached the prayer meeting with an attitude of expectation. I knew I was having a hard time, but “I was fine.” The whole time during prayer and the readings of the parables, only one thing was sort of applicable to me, but I couldn’t stop crying and didn’t know why. I was saying to myself “God, I know you have me here for a reason and I know you are wanting to do a working in me, but I can’t seem to grasp what you’re trying to show or tell me.” Until John came forward and started talking about his mom and her battle with cancer. I was weeping for him because I couldn’t imagine how he must feel, but that triggered me to think about what if that were my mom. That brought up feelings of a little bit of anger, because it would mean that there would only be little time to tell her that I loved her, but almost no time to heal from all the things that her marrying my step father induced. I stilled my mind at the prayer time, and God showed me that I needed to stop trying to take on the weights of other people, and release my anger and bitterness towards my mother, because that is a barrier in me moving forward in my relationship with him. I have had many opportunities to talk to other kids about parental issues and have always said “we can’t expect our parents to be perfect people. They make mistakes, but we are to love and forgive them the same way they and God love and forgive us.” It was time to start practicing what I preached, and the night of the prayer meeting was most definitely a transformative night for me. Now, six months later, that night still continues to be a turning point for me as far as my personal outlook goes!!





Being in your class and hearing the way to talk about prayer has really challenged me in my prayer life and how I think about it and approach it. I’ve always had a sensitive heart, but I’ve always struggled with a personal relationship with Christ and praying in a worshipful and glorifying way. Every time you talk about prayer, I feel different. My mind shifts in a way I can’t explain, but I feel it and sometimes I get emotional. I’m feeling emotional as I write this. I feel like God is communicating with me… 





I cannot describe to you how incredibly God changed my life. The things we prayed through, what I felt the biggest thing was, I had been struggling with for years and years and years. There had been people in my life that had said, “Someday you will be free of this”. I so wanted to believe that, but I didn’t. I honestly never thought I would be free. You see, I had tried so hard to let those things go and give them over to Jesus, but I never could. I never could.


It’s amazing how God works because there had been many things leading up to when we prayed that brought me to a point where I could let go, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I look back and realize that some of the things I worked through the past few years helped prepare me to let go. 


 I went to Passion during break (it was incredible) and I was able to let go of more. My heart just feels so FREE. When temptation comes, I’m learning not to hold onto it. I think the enemy so often tries to get me right at the temptation, causing me to think I was already in sin by being tempted. 


 I’m learning that I’m no longer bound and I’m learning to walk in that freedom. I’m striving to no longer turn back to my old ways, no longer take on the chains that God has freed me from. 


 Tonight I shared with my friend about what God has done in my life and what He did through praying with you. She’s taking your class this semester. It’s just incredible to experience and see what God can do. The love and faithfulness He has and the freedom that we have in Him is incredible. 


 So thank you for being willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus and be a part of what He is doing in your students’ lives. My family and I have all thanked God for you. I don’t think you ever will realize all that God did through that. 


I hope you have a great semester!                                                                                                                                                                                               EMILY, LYNCHBURG VA



When you were praying for me, I kept hearing God verbally tell me, “You are beautiful, and you can rest in me, I love you, I love you, and you are safe because you are my child.”

I didn’t want to stop hearing it. That was more encouraging than you know. I have been seeing more and more that I struggle with guilt because of the more legalistic way that I grew up. And the more I make mistakes and grow up and I am trying to remind myself of truth. That I am forgiven. And that God does love me, but like we have talked about, knowing something and believing it are very different. And I had been praying that the Holy Spirit would just reveal himself to me and I would be encouraged. And He did. And God used you to help me. So thank you.  





Thank you again for meeting with me and keeping me in your prayers. Today taught me a lot about myself and really taught me a lot about God. I have never experienced God in such a way that I did today and it was truly amazing! 





I have never felt more free. On Wednesday I was able to let go of a long commitment and slavery to sin that I had carried with me from when I was a child. Every time I would pray that God would give me strength to fight it or that he would take it from me, I only continued to fail. I know I still will, but even in the last few days I have seen a difference in me and I know it is the work of the Holy Spirit. I have been waiting for as long as I can remember to get rid of this burden, and I can confidently say that I have given it to God and no longer have to live under it.






13 + 7 =



Pastoral Testimonials



“I have been a Pastor for 20 years, I have been in counseling sessions, I have been trained in biblical counseling. This was the best counseling that I have ever had and he never ask me any counseling questions… In that exact moment, it was like a tidal wave, like tsunami from the bottom of my soul. I finally had words for what my soul had been struggling with for 43 years! … the Spirit gave my soul language!


Pastor Jeff Foote (Grace Church, Longmont CO)



“As he was praying for the issue in him…I felt the issue in me snap. It was the weirdest/coolest/awesome thing. And through that I felt some of the fear of man… completely leave…I was no longer cantankerous and adversarial.”


Pastor Dale Pierce (United Church, Crook CO)







Audio Testimonies of Dale Pierce (Lead Pastor United Church, Crook CO) and Jeff Foote (Grace Church, Longmont CO)




I have been working through your material and have enjoyed picking out some tools to use in my prayers with people. It’s interesting how similar most inner healing approaches are but with different emphases and nuances. I find that Sozo uses a  bit different order than you, and places a bit more up front emphasis on forgiveness when dealing with a memory. I do find that your material has made me realize that I can dive in to prayer with people even if we only have 30 minutes, so that’s been really cool. I’m praising God for how powerfully he is using you in this area!



Pastor Alan Kraft (Christ Community Church, Greeley CO).



Personal Testimonials



“My life seemed normal until I was a victim of child sexual abuse at the age of four. As we took time for individual personal prayer, we were instructed to ask God to bring to mind anything that had wrongly shaped our views of him or our relationship with him. As I prayed, God brought those events of my childhood to mind, events that I had thought about for years, having nearly forgotten them…I first found healing for the guilt I carried for my complicity in what occurred. Second, I received the deepest sense of an assurance of God’s love and acceptance of me as his child. In my time of prayer, God brought to my mind the thought of him opening his arms to me and embracing me as his child. Though normally physical affection of any kind, especially from a man, would make me cringe inwardly and feel a sense of physical pain, that picture of God’s love brought the deepest sense of peace and assurance I have ever known. God brought to my mind the realization that I had come to believe that unless I was hurt in some way, people would not like or accept me. This mindset manifested itself in a variety of ways: perfectionism in grades, overworking myself in ministry to the point of burnout, a mindset of trying to do everything for everyone, and a failure to ever feel loved or accepted by anyone. Later research into the effects of childhood abuse confirmed that the things I realized through prayer were common. Through less than an hour of prayer, I had received perhaps months’ worth of counseling from God. From that day on, I began to heal from those wrong views. Being able to recognize those wrong patterns of thinking enabled me to take those thoughts captive and change my thinking. Though only a short time has passed, I have begun to see a change take place both in my thinking and even in responses to physical affection such as a pat on the shoulder.”





“I was a volunteer at the Pray Through It Conference 2019 and my role was to rotate the workshop locations and pray for the sessions what would take place there. One of my rotating stops was in the lobby of the church where the attendees were doing a Church Healing Rhythm Exercise. The moment I stepped into that room, I felt something I had never felt before. It was tangible freedom, substant peace and joy, I saw restoration happen before my eyes. I felt it in my whole body, I knew this was what the church should be like. Unity, life, family, love. I stepped into an atmosphere containing and producing all these things…and I believe I carried it home with me. I believe God is using this ministry powerfully to heal people at a whole new level and to call them closer to Him.” 





“I was deeply moved by my time at the conference and did have two very healing encounters with Jesus.  When I returned home, I asked my mom if she would be my “guinea pig” and led her into a pray it through session – just the two of us. At almost 80, she was taken back to a memory that led to breakthrough in her life.  As she always says, “God is so amazing!” 





The first night had me IMMENSELY intrigued as I heard about a prayer that was conversational, personal, and life changing . . . From this one interaction I learned that I never let God get a word in when I prayed. He revealed to me how much I think during prayer, how I constantly fill my head trying to decipher answers I never received, answers which I was not supposed to decipher even if I had them. God simply told me to stop. It took a long time (about a week), but I finally learned how to stop thinking and deciphering and was able to quiet myself enough to understand what God was telling me. Through prayer I was able to understand that I do in fact have faith but am not always open to what God has planned for me. I was informed that I play it far too safe in my daily walk of faith and subconsciously set limits for what I would do for God. This revelation took me deeper into my past. Long story short, God told me why I lived this way. I was believing the lie that God didn’t care about my feelings or about what happened to me (when I was in middle school my father ended his life unexpectedly) so I was afraid of what He might call me to do. God brought closure to our conversation by telling me that He in-fact DESIRES for me to live a life of abundance and that He deeply cares about me and how I feel! I am still trying to figure out what that life of abundance looks like, but am thankful to have the clarity He gave me.





“This has not only transformed my relationship with the Lord, but I have also seen it be much greater than me. It has affected my relationships with other people and has also freed me to be able to pour out my life in service to God and to other people…”







Sage Byrd, Maryland, Testimony from April 2019 Pray Through it Conference



“I’ve really benefited from learning the praying through it style. I feel it really encompasses the verse in James of praying with one another so that you may be healed. For years I have talked with my friends about various issues in their lives. I have given advice and I have prayed with them but I have never prayed through things with them. I have always wanted to help my friends become unstuck in the things that they were dealing with; however, it always seem no matter how much we talked about it and prayed about it certain things just never would budge. I am extremely grateful to have learned this because I’ve been able to help every single person I know, especially my very close friends and family. Thankfully my friends are very vulnerable with me so I know so much about their lives and as soon as I learned this method I asked if I could pray through the issues with them whenever we would be in conversation. This began to change their lives. Marriages changed, jobs changed, persona and personality expanded, huge weights and bricks were lifted, anxiety and deathly coping ways of life ended, confusions left and truths came in.”





Recently I’ve been struggling with loneliness, depression, and fear so Thursday at the prayer tower I came by faith that God was going to do something. As we started praying I received nothing at first. Then in the small groups God revealed to me a brick wall, separating me from this wooden cross. Praying through things the Lord revealed to me that these bricks represented sins that have I’ve idolized and built up, block me from having an intimate relationship with God. I was able to pray through three things and feel the weight start to be lifted, but was still present. 


Sunday morning rolls around and the same cross that was shown to me in my prayer time was the same cross on the stage. The message that was being taught was an object lesson through bricks representing sin as the burden we carry and becomes heavier with time and without repentance. One of the main points was, “When your enemy is loneliness, God is there.” That isolation breeds depression and fear fuels this cycle. I’m still in the process of praying through things, continually laying down and surrendering things that block me from Him, but God is good through every season. Don’t discount healing, just because it doesn’t happen when you think it should occur. God is teaching me so much through this time of waiting, and it is so much sweeter than being instantly gratified.


Thank you for you and your ministry and changing my prayer life,





Thank you so much for today and that time of prayer. I have never prayed through something in the way you did in class. Today was an experience like no other; after the prayer I felt a sense of just peace, a peace like nothing else. The weight I carried on my shoulders was gone and all I saw was this white light, bright and beautiful. I know what I was seeing was Jesus amazing love and I feel like I fell in love with him all over again. Thank you so much for today’s class. 


I have never prayed through something in the way you did in class. Today was an experience like no other; after the prayer I felt a sense of just peace, a peace like nothing else. The weight I carried on my shoulders was gone and all I saw was this white light, bright and beautiful. I know what I was seeing was Jesus amazing love and I feel like I fell in love with him all over again. Thank you so much for today’s class.





I had no idea what I was experiencing. I have been in more prayer meetings and conferences than I can count and have received something different from them all, but I had never been prayed for or through something quite like that before. It’s a very unique way to really get below the surface and work with the Holy Spirit in a way that isn’t overwhelming. 


I approached the prayer meeting with an attitude of expectation. I knew I was having a hard time, but “I was fine.” The whole time during prayer and the readings of the parables, only one thing was sort of applicable to me, but I couldn’t stop crying and didn’t know why. I was saying to myself “God, I know you have me here for a reason and I know you are wanting to do a working in me, but I can’t seem to grasp what you’re trying to show or tell me.” Until John came forward and started talking about his mom and her battle with cancer. I was weeping for him because I couldn’t imagine how he must feel, but that triggered me to think about what if that were my mom. That brought up feelings of a little bit of anger, because it would mean that there would only be little time to tell her that I loved her, but almost no time to heal from all the things that her marrying my step father induced. I stilled my mind at the prayer time, and God showed me that I needed to stop trying to take on the weights of other people, and release my anger and bitterness towards my mother, because that is a barrier in me moving forward in my relationship with him. I have had many opportunities to talk to other kids about parental issues and have always said “we can’t expect our parents to be perfect people. They make mistakes, but we are to love and forgive them the same way they and God love and forgive us.” It was time to start practicing what I preached, and the night of the prayer meeting was most definitely a transformative night for me. Now, six months later, that night still continues to be a turning point for me as far as my personal outlook goes!!





Being in your class and hearing the way to talk about prayer has really challenged me in my prayer life and how I think about it and approach it. I’ve always had a sensitive heart, but I’ve always struggled with a personal relationship with Christ and praying in a worshipful and glorifying way. Every time you talk about prayer, I feel different. My mind shifts in a way I can’t explain, but I feel it and sometimes I get emotional. I’m feeling emotional as I write this. I feel like God is communicating with me… 





I cannot describe to you how incredibly God changed my life. The things we prayed through, what I felt the biggest thing was, I had been struggling with for years and years and years. There had been people in my life that had said, “Someday you will be free of this”. I so wanted to believe that, but I didn’t. I honestly never thought I would be free. You see, I had tried so hard to let those things go and give them over to Jesus, but I never could. I never could.


It’s amazing how God works because there had been many things leading up to when we prayed that brought me to a point where I could let go, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I look back and realize that some of the things I worked through the past few years helped prepare me to let go. 


 I went to Passion during break (it was incredible) and I was able to let go of more. My heart just feels so FREE. When temptation comes, I’m learning not to hold onto it. I think the enemy so often tries to get me right at the temptation, causing me to think I was already in sin by being tempted. 


 I’m learning that I’m no longer bound and I’m learning to walk in that freedom. I’m striving to no longer turn back to my old ways, no longer take on the chains that God has freed me from. 


 Tonight I shared with my friend about what God has done in my life and what He did through praying with you. She’s taking your class this semester. It’s just incredible to experience and see what God can do. The love and faithfulness He has and the freedom that we have in Him is incredible. 


 So thank you for being willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus and be a part of what He is doing in your students’ lives. My family and I have all thanked God for you. I don’t think you ever will realize all that God did through that. 


I hope you have a great semester!                                                                                                                                                                                               EMILY, LYNCHBURG VA



When you were praying for me, I kept hearing God verbally tell me, “You are beautiful, and you can rest in me, I love you, I love you, and you are safe because you are my child.”

I didn’t want to stop hearing it. That was more encouraging than you know. I have been seeing more and more that I struggle with guilt because of the more legalistic way that I grew up. And the more I make mistakes and grow up and I am trying to remind myself of truth. That I am forgiven. And that God does love me, but like we have talked about, knowing something and believing it are very different. And I had been praying that the Holy Spirit would just reveal himself to me and I would be encouraged. And He did. And God used you to help me. So thank you.  





Thank you again for meeting with me and keeping me in your prayers. Today taught me a lot about myself and really taught me a lot about God. I have never experienced God in such a way that I did today and it was truly amazing! 





I have never felt more free. On Wednesday I was able to let go of a long commitment and slavery to sin that I had carried with me from when I was a child. Every time I would pray that God would give me strength to fight it or that he would take it from me, I only continued to fail. I know I still will, but even in the last few days I have seen a difference in me and I know it is the work of the Holy Spirit. I have been waiting for as long as I can remember to get rid of this burden, and I can confidently say that I have given it to God and no longer have to live under it.





2 + 10 =