Post Prayer Session Exercises

Pray Through It

Post Prayer Session Assignment


Walk It Out: the next 14 Days, let’s solidify and build upon what happened during our prayer time together.

1.  Dedicate this Week: Pray something like, “Lord God, Father in heaven, thank You for showing Your love through this prayer session. I dedicate the next two weeks to continue to listen and pray through things as was modeled during the prayer session together. I ask that You empower me to be peacefully aware of thoughts and emotions throughout the day so that I might guard my heart and take captive thoughts as they come against who I am in Christ. Please help me to quickly see the way of escape from temptation and from anything or anyone that is attempting to pull me away from the abundant life You have promised. Please, fill me with Your Spirit and help me during this time to walk in Him, displaying His fruit (Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Gentleness, Patience, and Self-Control). Amen.”

2.  Pray Daily: Throughout the day, keep a prayer journal that records praises and things to pray through.

3.  Pick a convenient Time & Place: a peaceful place to take 10 minutes to process your day through prayer.

4.  Dedicate your space, your heart and your mind: asking God to bring your mind to rest & heart to peace & dedicate this time & space to the Lord. Let everything else fade into the background.

5.  Pray through something you wrote down today. If nothing came up, ask the Lord, “Would You highlight the part of my day that I should pray through?” And then focus on the part of the day that comes to mind, asking God questions to clarify the importance of that moment and what He would have you to pray.Pray through any lies, disempowering emotions, and fleshly life strategies you believed/felt/used today. Ask God to show you the truth and to help you understand your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Offer any lies, disempowering emotions, or sinful behaviors to the Lord. Ask Him what He wants to know, feel, and to put in place of them. Practice exchanging truth for lies, forgiveness for sin, and Fruit for hindrances (having your heart and mind conformed into the image of Christ).

Note: Drop us an email ( to let us know how you are doing and to ask any questions you have as you pray through things.

After 1 Week: Prayerfully Watch/Listen to Your Prayer Session:

Dedicate your time: Ask the Lord to help you process your prayer session as you watch/listen. Pray something like: “Lord God, thank You for this prayer session together with people who love and care for me. As I watch over it, would You protect me from any lies, disempowering emotions, or attacks of the enemy that he would bring against me? I commit myself to You and ask You to help me to process and build on the work that You did as we prayed, and help me to walk out what You would have me to do as a result of this session. So, Lord, would You bring my mind to rest and my heart to peace so that I might hear what You would have me to notice as I watch/listen?

Reflect: As you watch/listen to your prayer session, take note of:

    1. Any significant moments of breakthrough, empowering emotions, or imagery? Rest and reflect on these emotions and images so that you can use these as an emotional/mental space to return to. Write these down to pray through in your daily prayer time and to discuss in your follow-up session.
    2. Any issues that still need to be prayed through?

Schedule a Time to meet Again to follow up on this Session Here.

Consider what you will answer for your Survey (You can take it Here):

    1. What are the takeaways from this prayer session? How is your life the same and/or different?
    2. What are the takeaways from your weekly prayer time?
    3. What questions do you have that you would like to discuss?
    4. What can our team do to improve how we pray though things with folks like yourself?
    5. Is this kind of prayer something you would like to see more of in your church?
    6. Would you like to donate your deposit to the ministry?
    7. Would you like to become a monthly supporter?
    8. Who do you know that would benefit from this kind of prayer ministry?
    9. Is this kind of prayer something that you hope to incorporate into your personal prayer life?
    10. Would you like to receive training/discipleship to lead others in listening and inner-healing prayer similar to what you received?